Digital Dialogues Blog

The Digital Dialogues’ blog aims to provide interesting, instructive and entertaining information. Most of my posts are about


Creating remarkable web copy – Toronto WordPress MeetUp group presentation

Yesterday I enjoyed presenting to a group of about 30 members of the Toronto WordPress MeetUp group. One reason I ...
Burning a Feed

Feedburner and burning a feed

What is Feedburner? Feedburner is a Google service for bloggers or anyone who publishes content online. Feedburner delivers your new ...

Keywords for better Search Engine Results

A while back, I wrote about tactics that draw and keep your website audience. One tactic I mentioned was using ...
Mobile devices

Thinking of Going Mobile in 2012?

When I say going mobile, I am not talking about getting a smartphone or a tablet. I’m talking about making ...
WordPress Toronto Evening @ The Sorrel Restaurant, Yorkville

WordPress Toronto Evening @ The Sorrel Restaurant, Yorkville

Last night, WordPress VIP hosted the Toronto WordPress community in downtown Toronto. (Thank you WordPress VIP!). We celebrated WordPress with ...
Dropbox: A web tool to simplify life

Dropbox: A web tool to simplify life

Dropbox will help you de-clutter your Inbox. Instead of emailing attachments to clients friends or family, why not use Dropbox ...
Sweden's Twitter Experiment

Sweden’s Twitter Experiment

Before Christmas, I was alerted to a story in the Globe and Mail about Sweden's decision to invite citizens to ...
How to Create Magnetic Web Copy

How to Write Magnetic Web Copy

When it comes to the web and web copy, we don’t follow our mother’s advice - “Don’t judge a book ...
Draw and Keep Your Audience

Draw And Keep Your Website Audience With 4 Time-Tested Tactics

According to Wikipedia the number of Web users doubled between 2005-10 and was expected to surpass two billion in 2010 ...
5 Tips from Top Bloggers at BlogWorld LA 2011

5 Tips from Top Bloggers at BlogWorld LA 2011

BlogWorld LA 2011 hosted some of the most influential bloggers and social media people in the digital sphere. It was ...

BlogWorld Expo Los Angeles November 3 – 5 2011

Have you heard of this event? It’s Blog World Expo and New Media Event.  At BlogWorld Expo LA, I’m going ...
Developing Web Content through Play

Developing Web Content through Play

Narrative Design Labs are creative labs where as a business person, you are challenged to look at your business (and ...
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