Using both the Classic Editor Plugin and Gutenberg blocks

You likely know by now that in December 2018, the classic WordPress content editor was replaced with a brand new block editor, known as Gutenberg. Learn more over here about the WordPress Classic Block in Gutenberg. You may also of heard about The Classic Editor Plugin, what you may not know is that you can use both editors in one website.

Using the Classic Editor Plugin

For the most part we are fans of Gutenberg Blocks but, if your website (or your client) isn’t ready to make the change, you can install the Classic Editor Plugin.

This plugin can hide all functionality available in the new Block Editor (Gutenberg). But it permits a way to use both editors on one site.

Using both Editors on the same site

The Classic Editor Plugin permits you to select a preferred Editor for specific users or pages.

Set Preferred Editor by User

With the Classic Editor plugin you can set which editor you want to use based on User Profiles.

Set your preferred default editor under Users → Your Profile → Personal Options

Under Settings → Writing choose which editor you want used by default on the site for all users and if you want to allow users to switch between the classic and block editors.

Last Editor Saved

It’s important to note that “each post opens in the last editor used regardless of who edited it last. This is important for maintaining a consistent experience when editing content.”

Switching Editors Page by Page

There are two ways to select the editor you want to use on a page/post. You can go into a page or post through the All Pages or All Posts screens or you can switch editors when you are in a page.

To select from the All Pages screen

Hover over the title [as seen in the image below] and you will be able to select your preferred editor.

  • Go to Pages → All Pages
  • From your list of pages you can see which editor the page is currently using
  • Below the page name there is an option to select the editor you want to use to edit the page

To switch within the page editing area

When you are editing a page with the Classic editor, there is an option in the right-hand sidebar to switch to the Block Editor. You’ll want to save your work before switching from the Classic to the Block Editor.

We recommend that you use the Classic Editor Plugin when you need the flexibility to switch between editors and take advantage of the functionality of both in your content.

Leave a comment below about your experience with the Classic Editor Plugin or the new Gutenberg Editor. Do you have frustrations? What have you learned?

2 thoughts on “Using both the Classic Editor Plugin and Gutenberg blocks”

  1. Thanks for the great post. I have a non-word press website on which I intend to set up word press text editor. I have notices that while writing the content in the TEXTAREA, the written contents are first inserted into a DIV and not in the actual field.
    is it acually possible to use WordPress Plugins for non-wordpress websites?

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